Looking for Small Business Grants?

small business grants, hello skip grants

HelloSkip! is a great resource that gives back to the small business community every week!

The Ongoing Adventures of a Small Business Grant Seeker

Running a small business today is not for the timid: you have to be in the know, if you want your company to grow. That’s one of the reasons I became a member at helloskip.com: I knew very little about the small business grant world and it’s been an eye-opening experience. How so? Let me tell you.

The first fact I learned (you probably already know this, but just in case you don’t) is that there are different types of small business grants, and giving cash dollars is not the only thing you can apply for: there are grants that provide mentors, support services and activities to up your skill level. Before you scroll away, if you think that mentoring is overrated, think about when you prepared your tax return. Even if you hired someone to do this for you, you still have to know the answers to the questions. Would it be less stressful to know how your answers impact your business? I know it was for me, plus I was able to claim more deductions.

Yes, every business needs money, however knowing how to manage, track and report it, is also important. The money world for small businesses has a lot of moving parts, and what you don’t know about handling your income, expenses and taxes CAN hurt you.

So, don’t take my word for it, the next move is up to you. Join the fun here to visit the website and see for yourself. That’s all for now, thanks for reading and remember to follow me on social media for the next insight.